
These self-learning modules are based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd. Not being in the pressurized environment of a classroom gives me the opportunity to learn at my own pace, whether that be faster or slower than the original classroom, and if clarification is needed, I can simply rewind the lecture videos my teachers are putting out, or send an email to my teacher quickly and efficiently. As a music teacher, I know that many music programs have a fundraising committee. As the module comes to an end and our assignment date approaches, I thought I would reflect upon the module and my own development. 5. I liked this site because there are many different spreadsheets to choose from. I always wonder if my desire to help my students will keep me from giving the firm speech that propelled me into the career path I have chosen. Students will research a famous musician and write a historical report. If the teacher makes sure students get a basic groundwork of writing and encourage students not to rely solely on the computer, the benefits outweigh the negatives. Gibbs (1988) modal of reflection consists of six stages to complete one cycle which is description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan. 895 Words 4 Pages Better Essays Miss In this assignment I will be using the Gibbs model of reflection (1988). The time came when I have finally decided to take e-learning. It was clear that technology cannot replace good teaching, it simply enhances it. After you have tried a study strategy at least three times, and you can clearly tell that it is still not helping much, then you can quit using it and try a different one that might suit your learning style and preferences better. Beginning with the end in mind is something I have done, but not given much thought. Secondly I also work generally rather well to deadlines and the pressure of a looming deadline does not often phase me. In Part One, five students from the high school where I teach in Sacramento, Calif., shared their reflections. My personal experience using technology in the classroom was limited because the schools technology was limited. A con is that this may be confusing or difficult for special needs students. They would listen to the piece, then invent a story to go along with it. For example, you can give students a worksheet a day after an important exam, which has questions that guide them through the reflective-learning process. I especially liked the press conference and board game ideas, pertaining to famous composers. As the months passed, their journals also became less tethered to the outside world and showed that time had taken on an elastic quality, stretching endlessly in some days or hours, contracting quickly in others. Overall, you can reflect on various aspects of your learning, including your understanding of the material, your understanding of how to implement what youve learned, your learning process, and your abilities, preferences, thoughts, and goals. Patrick Wilson Jr., Mara Hug, and Rich Yamamoto (the same student who wrote the preceding contribution) are hosts of Discover Podcasting at the Kansas State School for the Blind. It can also be used by students to practice on their own. Reflection on the learning and next learning steps . There was nothing wrong with the way the students were learning prior to the smart board, but their learning was enhanced and brought to a higher quality with the help of this piece of technology. Which parts of the material do I struggle with? Carsen Gordon is a 1st grade student at Fremont Elementary School, age 7: I have liked doing math with remote learning. The third thing a person should do is check for objectivity and evaluate the quality of the writing on the site, as well as the quality of the links provided. After debate among our staff about the merits of synchronous versus asynchronous instruction, I turned the question to my classes in a Google Form, asking about what they preferred. This allows them to learn at their own pace and makes their learning more meaningful, two things every teacher strives for. Upon some internet research, I could not find evidence that the state of Alaska has mandated filtering in schools or libraries. Example Of Essay On My Reflection On E-Learning. Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. I also paired the text with a chapter from Tommy Oranges There There. It might be because certain study strategies are hard, some take up to much time, some do not seem to help much, or just because certain ones are annoying to some people. This is a more complex question, but simple ones are just as effective. But at the same time, many of us have also found new ways to be flexible, connect, and grapple with the world around us that we might have avoided or skipped over before. Most of my lessons met the music standards naturally without much thought. (Lesson plan found on The Chance to Redo Assignments, School Shootings This Year: How Many and Where, The Best Advice for New Teachers, in 5 Words or Less: 2023 Edition. They dont really relate to music, but the ecosystems page was interesting. I would also like to try an online quiz taking site in the future. I also had access to a computer connected to an overhead projector, which was shared with other teachers. In recent years, journaling and writing about feelings as a classroom writing strategy has fallen out of favor in the schools Ive taught in, with focus instead on close reading of challenging texts. Leadership & Management Individual Reflective Essay Throughout this module, I have learned many things and encountered diverse experiences, both exciting and challenging. Teachers could access some sites that students could not, which made it difficult when teachers wanted students to use a site for research and it was unavailable. You can see Part One here.). Incorporating spreadsheets in a music classroom is difficult, but with a little imagination it is possible. I was not aware of all of the software available on the internet, especially for music. I did not teach long enough to see it as a teacher, but as a student I saw the bond that grew between students and their music teachers over the years, and it can be a pretty neat thing. Even though I teach music, this would be a fun site to allow students to visit (probably more on the elementary age) when they are finished with projects and have free time. This model is a recognised framework for my reflection. Last, I like to use the computer. Teachers had to sign up for time slots in advance. Similarly, you can dedicate 10 minutes at the end of class to having discussions in pairs, where students are encouraged to help each other reflect on their studies. Send your questions to I do not like that it doesnt give the correct answer and this may be frustrating for some students. I would use it more in my music appreciation class, but it could be tweaked for use in all of my music classes. Reflection about the learning modules and simulation Chapter 8 This module was very Informative. The study sought to determine the relationship between students' satisfaction in printed modular learning system and their academic performance in the subject 21st Century Literature. Furthermore, in addition to students, instructors can also benefit from the reflective learning that their students engage in. Citing sources on class materials would show students how to properly cite materials in actual situations. Here is their podcast titled Distance Learning Reflections From the Students Point Of View: Thanks to Tristan, Sydni, Carsen, Jay, Rich, Patrick, and Mara for their contributions! I would love to have online learning integrated into the natural high school environment, seeing as I am getting so much more done in such a shorter time, and I feel like Im actually learning the material and not just grazing over it like I would in a standard classroom. Those experiences compared to this year were less than pleasant, simply because at the time, I didnt know what I was doing, and I tended to overwork myself silly. 1. The opinions expressed in Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications. I think it is awesome that there is access to health care and mental health services right on the school campuses. I like remote learning. I have picked up lots of ideas that I will most definitely by using in the future, and it has made me very excited . It is always nice to have resources like this to use in the classroom. This module really made me think about and analyze how I look at web sites on a daily basis. QuizmakerQuizmaker was easy to use until I finished the quiz. However, to avoid procrastination, I need to delete my Netflix account because this is a huge time-waster for me., I am currently sacrificing my grade point average, I know everything wont be a perfect score, because when I start to focus extra time on one subject some other classes might get left behind. If a teacher wants to truly evaluate a students understanding of a topic, this rubric would be extremely helpful. I like that the information on the home page changes, so there will be new and current information as time progresses. This would show students how music can tell a story or relay an emotion. I am extremely agreed that study skills are important and here I will discuss on how study skills can help students in their study., This gives me motivation to enjoy every class, since I know that it is another lesson that makes the lives of my students better. My experience with filtering software in schools was fairly limited. I found the article by typing the phrase, pros of word processing into a Bing search engine.This information makes sense and should not be a surprise. I also liked how it had different formats to choose from. I wandered onto the coloring pages of this site and found a lot of really good educational pages. Though I feel like Im not getting a good amount of social interaction from my peers, I find online learning to be much more beneficial for me as a student. Amid the push for student-driven learning in past years, I have shied away from the stand-and-deliver lecture, but the success of my 15-minute lesson made me realize that more traditional teaching styles still have merit. Modular Distance Learning features individualized instruction that allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable to the learner. I am learning to quickscope sniping nowadays and this the clip of my first game after a practice of around 3 hours ..#Quickscoping #Quickscope #dlq33 in Ca. The fourth link listed on the module just took me to a search site with a bunch of links to other things. When done as a shared activity, reflective learning can take many forms. It argues that diverse student groups of I plan to continue it next year. Some of the tools, such as those for ADD students, would likely benefit students without ADD, especially those who have a ton of energy. Just a reminder, you can subscribe and receive updates from this blog via email or RSS Reader. From a music perspective, the unit titled Follow that Star caught my eye because this could be used by a music teacher as well as a regular classroom teacher. Students will record their own voice reciting the report using multi-track digital audio software. This site has been added to my favorites folder. This way, if the student runs out of time they will have gotten the most important part done. I have always used an active virus protection so have not had any bad experiences with viruses on my computer. For our big assignment I had the students create power point presentations in the lab, researching their information on the internet. The software, known as My Reflection Mobile App was developed based on the Reflection Focusing on Pedagogical Content . My virus protection is Norton Internet Security 2011. What has your online learning experience been as a student? In a larger context, researchers believe it is a worthy endeavor to investigate the thinking that underlies any term or phrase that is used to initiate and frame change. Larry Ferlazzo is an English and social studies teacher at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, Calif. Get the latest education news delivered to your inbox daily. And by intentionally building documentation and structure into your process, you will create content that can easily be scaled, modified, adapted, and transformed . We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. What didnt you like about it? Just because there is filtering software does not mean it is fail proof, and students are always finding ways around it to access their favorite social networking or gaming sites. Despite the advent of numerous technological advances, many educators, parents, and administrators maintain the viewpoint that what worked for them should work for students today. One of the main ways in which leadership development creates value for employees is by offering them the chance to take a pause . I used it to go over instrument types. This will bring you success in your academic, This stress is sometimes carried over as we wait for our pending exam scores. These programs seem like they will take a lot of dedication. Key Cognitive Strategies is another area on the chart I scored low on. This lesson plan utilizes an important technology skill- email. Being reflective in your learning means thinking about what youre learning and how youre learning it, in a way that helps you understand yourself and your learning better. Similarly, in some cases, you might want to quickly ask yourself is this learning technique working well for me?. This will allow you to have 5-6 minute training sessions that employees can use throughout your organization, opposed to being embedded in a larger training course. For instance, instead of worrying about my final GPA at the end of a semester, I will start strong at the beginning of the semester by working for the grade I strive to receive one day at a time. By the end of the project, many noted how their mental well-being coincided with their attention to breaking news, which seemed like a lesson they would take with them. Overall, reflective learning has various potential benefits, including helping learners assess their situation and improve their learning process, helping learners understand themselves and develop their metacognitive skills, and increasing learners feelings of autonomy and control, as well as their motivation. Students realize this, and schools can support young people to go into the world with greater understanding of structures that shape us, not keep them from it. There are advantages and disadvantages to individual reflection and shared reflection, as well as to the various forms of shared reflection. It can bring you to forgetting important dates or deadlines. There were 120 students in my graduating class, so we did not have the individualized attention like Urban students did, but I am glad we were not given multiple choice tests like the HSQE! If so, why? Many teachers taught to the test in order to boost students scores.I like how Urban used real projects to demonstrate students proficiency. I wish my teacher preparation was as thorough as some of the examples! The web sites depicting learning strengths could easily be given to students on the first day of classes. Also I cut off time from my activities like watching movies, several TV series, going for a shopping etc. It only makes sense that this information would be taught in a music appreciation class.In the text, I was once again jealous that I did not have the preparation and mentor experience that many of the new teachers in the examples had. Students Reflect on Their Distance Learning Experiences, Distance Learning Reflections From the Students Point Of View, Classroom Management Q&As: Expert Strategies for Teaching, Twitter list including all contributors to this column, Reflecting on Your Practice? This is called modular approach of teaching and learning (k.Jaya sree,2004) if self learning modules are available on some topics they can b given to the students as assignments for self learning .scientific attitude refers to an individual's outlook I have seen coloring pages with spaces for boxtops, which makes it fun for students because they glue the box tops on the page then color it, and then bring it into school to turn in. Reflective learning has various potential benefits, including helping learners assess their situation and improve their learning process, helping learners understand themselves and develop their metacognitive skills, and increasing learners feelings of autonomy and control, as well as their motivation. Students rely heavily on technology outside of school, yet while in school are stripped of their cell phones, iPods, and laptops. I could use it to talk about the water cycle and find some music-related activities and songs to go with it. These tools were great because we already have many of them, and I didnt know a lot of them existed! How does it compare with your experience as a student in a physical classroom? My other concern would be how the filtering software at the school would affect some of the resources I would like to use, such as online notation programs. As far as screening websites goes, I have also discovered that sometimes teachers can access web sites in their accounts but students could not access those sites from their student accounts. I am a huge fan of templates because they save so much time. After reading about it, it makes total sense as to why it is beneficial. But both the racial disparities in Covid-19 deaths and the protests and rallies for racial justice reveal that access to basic privilegesto be healthy, to liveremains unequal. As far as filtering software, I think that in a school or public setting, it can give a teacher a false sense of security. When you are done checking your email, make sure you log off. I can demonstrate how various gods are portrayed in musical compositions. (This is the second post in a multipart series. I have used them for a number of topics, including instruments, composers, and types of music. I miss my friends. The online mentoring program is something I would really like to look into and see what I could do in my music classes. These images and video clips can be integrated into a science or math lesson, or used as a writing prompt or ideas for a research paper. I also noticed that a lot of these tools will take some trial and error for the teacher, but thats what most of teaching is! (With parental permission, of course.) I have seen the removal of these items become the focus of school personnel, while I think the solution lies in how these items can further help students learn. In these sorts of software, students work at their own level, so a larger range of students (from special needs, to gifted, and all those in between) would be able to participate successfully. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used. When signing into things like email, if you have the option to click a box for a shared computer, do that. Of time they will take a pause up for time slots in advance teaching! A student for my reflection about modular learning in all of my lessons met the music standards without... An emotion various forms of shared reflection, as well as to why it is always nice to resources! Sites depicting learning strengths could easily be given to students, instructors also! Projector, which was shared with other teachers upon some internet research, I that... A recognised framework for my reflection reflective learning that their students engage in with... Doing math with remote learning with other teachers was not aware of all of my music appreciation,. 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