
My hair was incredibly dry and very brittle. However, I know that its because instead of spiking it up with gel, I leave it down, dry. Stay strong everyone! Marketed as a kinder, gentler smoking alternative, vaping has steadily gained popularity in recent years particularly among Gen Z. can someone please tell me if i stop smoking, will my hair come back. On the other hand, if it were caused by other factors unrelated to vaping, it would not grow back. Find out YOUR trigger and listen to your gut instint. if i stop vaping will my hair grow back welding portfolio example. Vaping is deadly. It takes time, give it 3-6 months. Whether it is possible to reverse the effects of hair loss caused by vaping depends on the extent of the damage. I had been smoking since I was 15, and when I turned 35 at the end of June 2011, I thought time to give up. Quitting might slow down te hairloss a little, but it won't stop it let alone regrow your hair. "Every time you light up a cigarette, you're decreasing the oxygen supply to your face," says Downie. Yes, smoking does cause hair loss. The only thing that could possibly hurt a persons hair is having the same hair fall out again. You must always talk to your doctor before doing anything like that. I did not stop smoking for regrowing new hair but for my overall health and Im surprised of the effect on the quality of the scalps skin. Required fields are marked *. So if u believe smoking is the cause behind ur hairloss i hope u will attempt to stop. Not only that, I read reports that batteries exploded in some users mouth and they lost several teeth and needed surgery plus they had 3rd degree burns. Ive never had super thick hair (like enough to do a flat top or anything), but Ive noticed hair fall and thinning since February 2017. You may be wondering whether the condition can be reversed or not if you stop vaping. So please keep away from VAPING. The closer I got to semester start the worse my highs were because I was so paranoid that I had caused permanent damage to my brain and wouldnt do very well in the University I couldnt even enjoy smoking anymore. In that case, the best solution is to avoid consuming it. It did not happen this time around, I realized later that my spirit and motivation was very low. its funny cause just the front of my hair is weaker and the rest of my hair is full and thick. my hair shedding has stopped COMPLETELY! I had colored my hair to hide grey since my mid 20s. I hope quitting help regain something for me Also remember though all those chemicals in cigarettes alter you body, everything from a hormonal imbalance, circulations to thyroid issues so maybe after you quit and stay quit awhile you should have a complete physical and blood work up =) Smoking does effect everyones body differently hair loss can come from so many things not just genetics as drs want to tell you when they can no longer figure it out. If youre worried about hair loss or thinning, its best to avoid e-cigarettes until more research is completed on them. My hair bounced as I walked. i have not been smoking for about 2 years now thanks to nicotine patches and a lot of self-discipline. Enjoyed reading this thread so thought Id add a cheeky input. My dads only NOW started to get a bald spot, so its kind of embarassing. Stephen, not sure but I will let you know what I find out with my experience. High DHT levels generally cause hair follicles to shrink. I have been balled for nearly 25 years. Some of those factors include individual genetics, age, health, male/female hormones, product use, and lifestyle choices. I have been without a cigarette for 3 days now and I swear Im not going back to smoking! I went for a week or two without smoking, but as soon as I was at an event with drinking, I started smoking again. thanks for the comments. Actually i have never smoked anything ever (not even any drugs) and I had beautiful hair. The study concluded that there is "early evidence [e-cigarettes] are harmful to human skin.". I am taking schizandra to counter the effects with some success but it is obvious to me i need to quit. I stop as of today! 1. kind of scarey i still have to go for the blood test realy pisses me of. Although he didn't say "back", he could have. Im turning 23 this week. we have ONE life, and its too short to be miserable! I feel that people who can handle smoke and drink have the ultimate body of resistance. After 5 months of stress smoking i noticed i could see my scalp right dead center of my hair line and then i started noticing i had a bit more sheding.Now all the hair that makes up my hairline has turned softer and thiner and everytime i look in the mirror i think of what use to be a good looking hair line to this thining mess. And emotional stress was off the charts! (I know these posts arent super helpful to anyone, but I hope to post back towards the end of the year with an update.). A simple answer is YES. Well, the good news is that your hair does not grow back. Im looking forward to the six month mark. when i quit, it grew in quickly and thicker. If youre worried that giving up the habit will cause weight gain, a common concern, you canquit smoking without gaining weight. I figure they are not getting enough blood circulation or oxygen and the skin pore gets clogged. I quit smoking weed a month ago. The laser emits a beam of light, which the pigment (color) in your hair absorbs. (On and off) I am a 20 y/o male. If this is all true, I congratulate you man! Nausea. i believe this now, and all those other lame cliches like you are what you eat. Red blood cell count gets low and your body is lacking Iron but it seems to me out of all my research that the main reason is not enough oxygen to your hair follicles and smoking is one of the things, if not the biggest, to slow blood flow in our system. Non-surgical hair loss treatments include oral and topical supplements like finasteride and minoxidil, as well as treatments like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. Its also addictive. I dont know was my hairloss due to stress or smoking. I also have ruled out male patter baldness because my hairline is not receding, my hair is just getting drastically thinner all over. I have been loosing my hair evenly for about four years. Even I am trying to cut off and stop Snus(snuff or snoof). The study also reported that between 2015 and 2017, an estimated 2,035 individuals showed up in U.S. emergency rooms with that "explosion and burn injuries from e-cigarettes." 3) exercise often (anything that causes you to breathe heavily and take in more oxygen will be beneficial). It is a hereditary thing but most of the women in my family were born with the hairline of a 50 year old man. "But if you're looking in the magnifying mirror every day . I also started smoking 1/2 eighth a day of pot. So my last cigarette will be tonight. If you have been wondering if vaping does not cause hair loss, you have the answer today. i can blast light on my hairline, temples and crown without feeling sorry for myself anymore! i suddenly decided to quit in feb 2010. my hair grew back like wildfire! Great thread. Didnt quit to regrow hair, in fact I never thought about it. The main problem is that I get so depressed by my hairline that all I want to do is have a cigarette/alcohol. Nicotine withdrawal usually lasts about one month, and will get much easier after that time. i have been smoking weed and cigarettes since i was 16, and everyday since i was 18. i just quit both two days ago, and hope i can stay strong. Well what i saw in the mirror when i cut my hair,was a nightmare.A head full of spots and scarce hair. i chopped all of my hair off b/c i just couldnt help it out. I kept searching for an answer and I think I found it in this blog. 30 Everyday Mistakes That Raise Your Risk of Catching a Cold. So just wanted to know if any of you guys know about it and does Snus also has the same effect on hair as smoking.. please let me know so that i can stop the snuss so to stop my hair fall. Researchers found that there has been an increase in the number of contact dermatitis cases associated with vape use. I also try to eat healthier and take care of my scalp with various oils and sulfate free shampoos (with ktoconazole is a plus). your input will be much much helpful if you could share your experiences about hair re-growth rather than ways of stopping smoking there are tonnes of websites for that :). Thats where the secret lies. (10 Kilos Flushed). FPHL is different than male hair loss in the way that the hair thins and is not all lost. Its very very bad and there are not recent studies on it. !WTF $^$^ why stop smoking then?i prefer smoking and relaxing thinking im losing my hair than.. not smoking and being all stressed and depressed for losing my hair.yeah theres surgery, but wtf, why it cost so fuckin much? Nicotine also contains a lot of harmful substances that react when combined with other substances in the e-cig, causing hair loss. The only difference is the hair is falling out faster, and youre not actually getting a hair fall any longer. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts or ideas of why else my hair may be falling out and whether quitting does make a difference. we have noticed a marked regrowth on my scalp when I once thought it was a heriditary receeding hairline. But Ive also read quite a few people saying that they have lost alot of hair from vaping too. lol). If theres a chance, its definitely a good enough a reason to take. Note the words directly above the Add your comments button Comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment from being visible. I will bookmark this page and come back and do an update in a few months to let yall know how it goes! I was born with a rather unfortunate hairline for a girl. Smokers often have a nagging cough or make a wheezing sound when they breathe that many refer to as a smokers cough. More research on vaping hair loss is still being done to ascertain if it causes hair loss. Not necessarily. Your email address will not be published. There is a much bigger proportion of balding guys amongst them. This time, I feel Im ready. Its embarrassing beyond belief, and Im only 17 years old. My hair has been diffusely thinning, especially near the temples and crown. I read through every post. Then a twin spot on the left appeared. Typically, FPHL occurs around the age of 40-60 years old (sometimes earlier). Its been a few days short of 3 months and even two weeks ago I felt that my hair was looking healthier. Good luck to you all. I searched for this site and found my answer. I have been researching it and found that it does seem that smoking is definitely the problem. And third, I just turned 50 and am losing lots of friends to cancer and other illnesses :( . And they do actually cause more stress than not smoking. so that could be a reason why i finally succeeded. All the doctors say it was because me getting mono and that threw my hair growth cycle off and everything would grow back in a year or so. I dropped the habit about a month ago and had a major shed 10 or so days after stopping but thats over now. Anyway if you google johnny depps hairline you will see that he basically has the same amount of recession as me(I think he used to blaze because in nightmare on elm street he has the same amount of recession)and I think that he just doesnt do it more than once a month or so. all im saying is dont smoke some people can handle it some people cant. My hair became a pot of grease and I have consistently hair loss which began exactly three months after I quit. I am 37 and I have quit smoking for one month now and have noticed my hair is falling out far less and it is waaaay thicker and shiny. i know i said that Id be back in a month, but Ive been so pleased with my results that i had to share!! Suppose you have discovered that your hair loss results from nicotine on the e-cigarette. Though, looking at it back then, I could see the early sines of hairline recession. boredom should be filled with productivity. Tired and fatigued. can anyone tell me how long it will take? If it really wasnt about my hair though,i wouldnt even consider stop smoking. Just wanted to add my 2 cents, as this blog has really helped to convince me to quit smoking. Vaping, like cigarette smoking, can blunt your senses, reducing your ability to smell and taste. Sometimes, if you dont rectify the issues on time, it could result in permanent hair damage. for the first 6 weeks i used to regularly take photos and also count how much hair fall out daily. Ok, so today is actually the first day of my quitting. My story starts like this..back in the 90s,with me being the average 15 year old trying to get some attention from girls,i began smoking.I have to admit i liked it at start,i even found it amusing at times for me. So i quit from today, thanks I comeback in 6 months with results! It was completely ruined it for me. Iv never took a break but after reading this Im going to try. !Have you done the blood tests btw?? im 20 years old and i never pictured myself like this. If your hair loss is caused by vaping, it will grow back when you stop vaping. That stuff dries out the scalp. Its not a debate which is going on here,there are many reason for your hair loss Stress,Living style and lot more,even doctors do not have much to answer this,if you have lost your hair then dont think in a negative way,just be happy that you are not effected by any other disease whicy are not curable,i hope you would understand the disease i am speaking about,and comming to smoking even a kid know that smoking is hazardous to health and even can cuse hair loss in some cases,so than why dont we quit smoking for a good reason to come. When I quit though, everything did improve and my hair looked glorious and grew long and thick.The past few years though have been.very rough and.dificul. and i drink alcohol every now and then.. Hey Cgaig, i doubt that cigarette smoke has much to do with hair loss.. maybe a tiny bit its the weed that makes certain people lose hair.. what i am about to report is something that my girlfriend confirms too. Some people have said that it can also be due to too much masturbation or anemia. my hair has also grown quite a bit in this month without weed. Good luck, hairloss is a shitty aflfliction thats for sure. I quit smoking 5 years ago when I didnt have any skin or hair related problems at all. Anyway I didnt notice much of a change in my hair after that so I was pretty forlorn. but i seriously think Im done with it for life now. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight, which can lower your androgen levels that may be causing your excess body hair. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Promox or if its just another scam, for which Im wasting money on. i was a chronic burned out lazy, balding pot head and i did it, so i know you can do it to. I already see inprovement. With this rigorous course of action I expect it shouldnt be too long before i notice results. My doggie rolls on her back for a tummy scratch, at least I think that is why she rolls on her back? Ever since last year, Ive been smoking a lot more and started Chuck that magnifying mirror. It does take time guys so dont give up, make sure you give it at least six months before you make a judgement. I think its important to note that the vasoconstriction is not permanent. I have been suffering from back pain which lead to me in tuberculous decease and I can say it for sure that smoking was the only reason which causes me to suffer from this decease. i am just not a stressy kinda person. Seriously, way more productive, healthy, and confident. Usually, FPHL presents as. Darren, To everyone here that wants to know if smoking causes hairloss or not. My weight ballooned in 90 pounds without any major change in food intake or exercise routine. this website has really opened my eyes. if you think weed is fucking your life up,or making you lose your hair, just quit it get over the initial hard period, and after that, everything will be fine!! Just as with smoking cigarettes, vaping can affect patients to different degrees. Thats a very interesting question. I went to multiple dermatologists and i did mention vaping but of course they decided the connection cause they make money of tobacco companies and if I buy rogaine, they get a cut of that too. Hey everyone. i have to admit reading some of these stories makes me feel better about my situation, knowing im not alone out here. at least an hour of exercise EVERY day. There is definitely a correlation between quitting and thicker hair. My hair came back then. I never made the correlation, I assumed it was from the pills. it maybe the ciggerrets i feel it is but not knowing just adds to my anxiety and stress. The good news is that once you eliminate all the contaminants from your body, hair loss caused due to smoking is reversible and treatable. I can see my scalp now! hope this helps. what do you got to lose? i can relate to many peoples stories and i dont think that anyone here is crazy. Later, I stopped smoking, and then the hair actually thickened and grew in. Ill quit today, hope to see some effects soon. I am now 27, and suspected it might be the MJ smoke that was causing it, but am so addicted to smoking that I keep dismissing the idea. In a word, no there is no scientific evidence that masturbating causes hair loss. and within 8 months my hair has gone right back to the nappy mess it was when i was smoking the last time. Hi All, just quit smoking today. ok i believe the hair becomes thicker after you quit smoking but what about men who have never smoked and are as bald as badgers. 14 Foods That Can Reduce Your Risk of Stroke, A 2017 study published inScientific Reportssuggests e-cigarettes and vaping may lead to DNA changes and genetic mutations that can increase the risk of cancer. NickD, this specific blog aims at sharing experiences about whether there is noticable hair re-growth after quitting smoking or not. I always thought it was the smoking but i didnt see my friends losing that much hair as me.. Ive decided to quite staring today. But the good news is that its completely normal. I started smoking at 14. The bad news is that the vasoconstriction is permanent and will cause your hair to fall out after a . Best of luck to all!!! after reading this forum im goin to quit smoking today and exercise daily ill keep everyone updated.. Im in the same boat as you Dan. We recommend our users to update the browser. in another 3 months, i reckon my hair will be perfect again. If youre concerned about dizziness or the feeling of being lightheaded, the best course of action is to lower your nicotine or the amount you vape in short periods. Secondly, depedning on the extent of your hair loss, in the case of miniturization, your follicles still exist, albeit in a malnurished and thinner form. Even more interesting and less talked about, the common chemicals found in both cigarettes and e-cigarettes could be linked to hair loss and balding. Want to join the discussion? I slowed down greatly on the amount I smoked (went from once a day to mayyybe once a week). Hi Matt, we upgraded our website and some comments are missing. Recently, i realized that i had become obese and lost a lot of hair on my crown and sides. Though the rate of traditional cigarette smoking continues to decline, statistics show that the two habits go hand in hand. but after all, i decided to stop smoking and see what happens. The nicotine in vaping liquids dehydrates your skin, Dr. Raja said. WISH ME LUCK! I promise I will update with my results in a few months. I have been losing my hair for about the past 4-5 months, and it seems as if its just getting worse. Far too often in these situations, by the time you realize the damage is done it can be too late to reverse course without professional . If youre ready to kick the habit, ex-smokers offer their best advice for quitting cigarettes. Ive been reading your comments and decided to add my own experience. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, daily e-cigarette use doubles a persons risk for a heart attack, e-cigarette users have a 71 percent high risk of stroke, ex-smokers offer their best advice for quitting cigarettes, One Major Effect of Blue Light on Your Skin, Says Research, Miranda Kerr Just Shared Her 4 Secrets for Gorgeous Skin, Low Inflammation, and Better Digestion, A Nutritionist Just Revealed the #1 Worst Food to Eat for Yeast Infections, Do not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Caleb Backe, a certified health and wellness expert for. My hair looks great now and stays dry for longer so looks thicker anyway. surely even after 3 days i saw results. Headaches. i usually wear a fitted hat everyday too. If your worried about your hair you should never do cocaine it will reck your hair teeth ETC. LOL! Heres the deal, that 5 months of quitting cigs was the only time since 13 I didnt smoke them. But i think it effects everybody in a different way.. It makes a difference for me. try to run a lot and sweat out toxins. Well, the good news is that your hair does not grow back. I know I will need to stop smoking on a long term to see any effect, but I dont focus only on the hair thinning, its about the entire body, keep it healthy and your hair will look equally healthy. Searching for an answer and i dont think that is why she on., looking at it back then, i realized that i get so depressed by hairline... Used to regularly take photos and also count how much hair fall out daily you... To regularly take photos and also count how much hair fall any longer my,! Possible to reverse the effects of hair loss old and i dont that. Avoid e-cigarettes until more research on vaping hair loss which began exactly three months after i from. Dont rectify the issues on time, it could result in permanent hair damage vasoconstriction is and. 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