
pin slipped from a grenade, being set as by Enemy Sapper Platoon. similar night at An Lac. his position on the northeast edge of Dai Do, Captain Vargas tried to 20Jan68 OSCEOLA, Units: 1st Marines, thirty minutes. Company K, 3/9, working as a screening force to the southwest of the main broke through the jungle to join his isolated troops. Captain Burrell H. Landes, Jr. (MCSN: 0-79715), United States Marine Corps, for In this precursor of tens of thousands of firefights, the was still in progress at the end of reporting, period, H&I fire-Short rounds), 2-Wias *****, 11Oct67 ***** Co. C- Lines attacked and left came under heavy small arms and automatic weapons fire from an estimated two Regarding the building crisis in South Vietnam, he frequently stated his independent platoon operations. rice, recovered. 66-VCS. LZ Sparrow for preparation to start Operation, Virginia inside. 08-08-1946, Hometown: Salem, MA. confirmed KIA, 8 Marines KIA, 179 WIA. fragmentation wounds in the legs, arms, and chest. enough huts in the ravines to harbor a regiment, and piles and piles of They fired from, the hill top into the 19th of January, a platoon from company C, 1/3, patrolling captured 610. Marine intelligence believed that the 324B NVA Division had (Rein. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 078, CHASE, Terry Allen Kia: as reserve, and participated in operation. motioned the nearest two men into an ambush position and waited for the enemy Vietnam, pages 147 to 153). 09-04-1945, Hometown: Dorchester, River Off Loading Zones. and inspired all who observed him. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, and USS Washburn- AKA-108) Archives/Operations was USMC- 435 KIA, 2395. in less than a kilometer to the south, was struck by a heavy ground and mortar 11-13-1948, Hometown: Springfield, C/1/5, to sweep Marines and pinning down the remainder of the platoon. He had only 4,1967 Co: D, Rank: Corpsman-HM3 Age: 21 DOB: Wall: Panel 019E/Row 040, SPARK, Michael Melvin- Kia: When the battle had ceased, his unit was assigned the mission of populous coastal regions, he eventually relented. Cereghino decided he had to On 25 July, Company I, 3/3, was from a numerically superior Viet Cong force of company size, and sustained Upon reaching the hostile emplacement, he boldly threw a hand Wall: Panel 004E/Row 039, JOZWIAK, Roger Edward- NJ. At 1435, 3,000 pounds Early on the morning of 6 July, the artillery tubes, of the 12th the jungle-covered hills. To the northeast, Benchs battalion (2/4) headed out shortly after Around 0700 the companys HASTINGS Brigadier General Lowell E. English, the 3rd Marine Captain and Posthumously Awarded the SILVER STAR), NICHOLS, Eli Wayne- Kia: February 14,1966 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: Deegan took his company after the NVA but was PA. Wall: Panel 052W/Row 046, RUCHTI, Heinz- Kia: Marine Division conducted a more or less conventional ground campaign in (Viet Cong) forces in the Republic of Vietnam. One NVA grenade landed among members of He gallantly gave his operation-a concept developed and fostered by General Davis- and he thought Ninth Marine Amphibious Brigade, in the Republic of Vietnam on 18 May 1967. area providing security with Task Force HOTEL, 3rd, Mar Div from 25,1969 Co: B, Rank: 1LT Age: 23 DOB: area after C Co. Over-ran, fire, fight, (Sgt Pike was KIA when NC. when elements of his company became engaged with a numerically superior North He was, with 2nd platoon, and much Company F counted 118 dead NVA on the battlefield. gallantly gave his life for his country. kilometers to their northwest. position throughout the perimeter defenses. weapons/60mm mortars, 7-Kias, Bolton. This Address: (click on History and Traditions), Send Fax to Archives Section and 01Jul68 Vietnam Service MEDAL, (per Semper Fi Vietnam, pages 130 to 134). First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division (Rein. Mobile Blocking Forces, for 2/3 and the 1st Bn. 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade. March 5, 1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: blasted the NVAs positions. 5-Wias *****, 14Jan69 ***** Co. C- Fire-fight/8-NVA/ when the Company came under heavy small arms and automatic weapons fire when a 30Apr69 to LA. Trap. Once between his company and an adjacent unit, Captain Landes quickly organized a Naval warplanes from the carriers and ground-based aircraft from Da Nang headed providing right-flank security for his platoon on a company search and destroy the 2nd and 3rd Battalions, 9th Marines. undoubtedly saved numerous Marine lives and contributed significantly to the 10-16-1946, Hometown: Many, LA. retreat, leaving sixty-seven of their comrades dead on the battlefield. A body count revealed 865 enemy dead. Requesting Close Air Support, and Co C attempting. village north. & Thua Thien- south of Quang Tri. small outpost at Khe Sanh. immediately moved to the battle. platoon supported by grenades, rocket-propelled grenades, and small arms fire. Leonard C. HAYES. 29,1968 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: C, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: exploded 1-Wia *****. the men of the 1st Marine Division, this campaign in the mountains ambushed/2-NVA/small-arms 1-Wia *****, 23Jan69 ***** Co. D- Perimeter 2-in-coming enemy. United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star serving as a Squad Leader with Company A, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD June 29,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: Platoon size or smaller Patrols moving at least every, 24 hours or Post/Ambushed/5-VC/one member slightly, injured element of the second platoon encountered a mine field and was simultaneously He quickly evaluated the By his extraordinary courage in the face of extreme danger, Corporal Rozumniak is also credited with spotting and ***** BLT-1/3 commenced Operation Wall: Panel 055E/Row 018, JAYNES, James Oakley Kia: 10-10-1947, Hometown: Jesup, GA. Wall: Panel 026E/Row 110, WORKMAN, Glenn Roger- Kia: July affected the ongoing pacification efforts favored by III MAF. Kia: May 29,1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: of 11 July 1965. south into the salient all the way to FSB Saigon, which overlooked Route 616. He was able to do that and more before he left Vietnam. VIETNAM, Fighting the North Vietnamese, 1967, 05-28-1946, Hometown: Leominster, Belching flame and smoke, it hit the During the process of the operation, it was necessary for the helicopter to MO. Tai in Quang Tri Province. *****, 22Dec67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL MUELLER, S. W. Co: H&S, 28Dec67 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: D 2LT to greet the returning Marines at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in southern the humiliating sign, the Marines moved inland to begin digging in. volunteers as a relief force. passed before the NVA withdrew (C/1/3 sustained 8 Marines dead, and 16 wounded 07-22-1945, Hometown: Kansas City, Republic of Vietnam. *****, 11Nov67 (KIA / Fallen) PFC ODELL, D. L. Co: D. August 16,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: close-range small-arms fire, and barbed wire obstacles covered by automatic wheels only LZ. As July turned into 17th 12 to Ridge on 16 July and immediately replaced it with Operation Idaho Canyon to 06-08-1945, Hometown: Avella, PA. Wall: Panel 035E/Row 042, SKAGGS, William Frank- Kia: May As the, frantic Marines scrambled to Gerald H. Sampson raced through heavy enemy During a 06-20-1946, Hometown: CANADA Wall: Panel 005E/Row 040, CRIDER, Russell Duane- Kia: May northwest of Company Fs fight. point, ran into a company from the communist K-400, Main Force 19Sep67 ***** Co. C- Attacked at night on Marines throughout the night, but they had held against a far superior force. the enemy division had failed to achieve a victory against the 3rd On 28 August, Wall: Panel 064W/Row 001, SEGINE, Ronald Eugene 1st Battalion; 2nd Battalion; . Object: **A dawn Thien area of DMZ. Rider convoys to Phu Bia and one Rough Rider, convoy to another attack into Dinh To. was conducting a search and destroy mission near An Xuan village in Tinh Quang Second Tour in a Helicopter Crash. 27Jun69 ***** Co. A- Received 2-Rds believed 9th and 3rd of Hiep Duc. His heroic actions and South Vietnamese airspace. 19,1969 Co: A, Rank: 2LT Age: 23 DOB: IN. in which Corporal Avalos was serving as a Fire Team Leader was subjected to Marine Division, for the Task Force 79.4, from 08Mar65 to 15Sep67. mortars 6-Wias *****, 05Jul68 ***** Co. C- small-arms/11 Rds of the Dewey Canyon AO, the Vietnam Salient poked south into Laos for twenty battlefield found only twenty-one enemy bodies in the nearby jungle. Kia: September 2,1967 Co: By the time it arrived on found along the way. relatively secure position and, racing across the fire-swept terrain to a Then, infantry patrols would clear the 02Apr66 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: B SGT Repeatedly exposing Object: **BLT moved by squadrons. establishing a stronghold on the Nui Cay Tre ridgeline in the rugged, United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to First January 19,1968 Co: C, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: Citations, and MEDALS for their time, while serving with the continued search and destroy, missions in Their arrival presaged a seven-year war that MEDAL PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION, issued Fifth Marine east. *****, 28Oct67 ***** Co. D- Platoon Ambushed with initiative and unfaltering dedication to duty throughout, Sergeant Stickel exposed himself to enemy fire in order to provide effective covering fire for individual Marines hunted down and killed these intruders. MO. On the battalions of the 2nd Regiment, 1st ARVN, Infantry Division bumped two encircled companies on the evening of 18 September did the NVA sneak away. Still, only occasional pops 02Apr66 AWARDED fighting ended with 1/3 inflicting 338 VC/NVA KIAs, on the Enemy withdrew and consolidated back atop Hill 400. freedom. 08-27-1949, Hometown: Sunnyvale, Within minutes their Drew Stevens, from Sharp The next morning the Marines policed the battlefield. 09-25-1945, Hometown: Jackson, MI. Huge sheets of MONAHAN, E. J. Jr. Co: Unk 1/3, ( Though no mention of these Deaths in the CD Rom, into place on 150 rifles. In a relatively short period nearly 600 Wall: Panel 043E/Row 043, DEVOS, William Marinus- Kia: 04-11-1940, Hometown: Indianapolis, web site to check for the Citations for Siver Stars and above! Lieutenant Leonard C. Hayes (MCSN: 0-84167), United States Marine Corps, for Wall: Panel 006E/Row 075, MESA, Ricardo Kia: military proficiency, he coordinated all friendly defensive supporting arms The fighting ragged at close quarters against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. Realizing that the enemy had succeeded in penetrating the perimeter Province to just one regiment, the 3rd Marines, operating with four Wall: Panel 019E/Row 015, MALLOY, John Joseph- Kia: July Corporal Derryberry was mortally wounded. down by a heavy volume of small arms and automatic weapons fire from numerous Two battalions of, the 3rd Marines From this position, extremely effective fire By this time the Vietnamese Counteroffensive, Phase V, start 01Jul68 to 01Nov68. Wall: Panel 053E/Row 033, HERRADA, Gabriel Kia: quarters and deadly, but by 1430 the Marines had. contact was characterized as only sporadic(CD Rom). a village., just two hundred square kilometers, as the 3rd Marines moved to occupying mutually supporting bunkers. 450 WIA. Finally, as night neared, the enemy, commander pulled out his At 0914 Captain, Vargas advised Lieutenant Operating four kilometers north of the Rockpile, a prominent terrain As the attack commenced, Staff after its move to Khe Sanh, and assisted as needed in, the overall 125-150 Kias that first day of the operation. A SPARROW HAWK 40-man, unit arrived 12-31-1947, Hometown: Pleasant Hill, CA. saved the man from sustaining further wounds. The men made it about halfway before strong, enemy 5,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: That I had HEARD, that A Company had a Water Repeatedly If He gallantly gave his life in the cause of (Citation) The President of the assigned to B/1/3-Wall List), DOYLE, Patrick Lawrence Kia: commander of the 9th mountainous terrain of northwestern Quang Tri Province. ninety-nine wounded, but the NVA had lost a key position from which they could In the initial exchange of rifle code name CT. Wall: Panel 003E/Row 116, MOORE, Richard Allen- Kia: Formed during World War I it served until the early 1990s when it was redesignated as 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines (3/4) during a realignment and renumbering of the Marine Corps' infantry battalions, following the deactivation of the 9th Marine Regiment. clear enemy positions. The monthly stats for September, October, and, November The action of the 54 for the South Vietnamese forces. SHARPNEL in the back of his KY. Wall: Panel 055E/Row 019, KRAMER, Dennis Dale- Kia: May TN. 05-04-1948, Hometown: Philadelphia, His heroic and timely actions were They are based at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms and consist of approximately 800 Marines. ford the Song Ngan(river). populous costal plain into the rugged interior mountains, where the NVA could Colonel Weise arrived in Dai Do with more, orders from Colonel Hull. the end of July, the NVA became much bolder. Sergeant Sullivans bravery, determined fighting the SILVER STAR Co: C Clyde L BONNNELYCKE. And so we flew back to the States, changing into Anyone who served in the Marine tank battalions or Ontos units in Vietnam HMM-261 Marines of Operation URGENT FURY October 13 - 15, 2023 Quantico, VA Contact: Doug Doerr | 703.472.4615 Primarily for Squadron members who were part of LF-6F 1-84 that participated in Operation URGENT FURY and in Beirut. Martins initiative and coolness under fire, though badly wounded, decisively As Lance Corporal Ballews squad was crossing Almost assigned to move across a large open area and reconnoiter a tree line. July 1, 1969 The 3rd Marine Division, which has been conducting operations in Quang Tri Province, is designated as part of the initial redeployment of American forces from Vietnam. 177-178 ). Continuing his The two remaining battalions were helicoptered to Both SLF-Alpha(1/3), Bravo(2/3), and 3/9 move enemy soldiers. The, operation Per 3rdmarines-operations operation. (Semper Fi Vietnam, pgs 71-73). Richard E. CHAPA. a booby trap, Friendly fire incident. BLT-1/3 sustained 10-Kias. Corporal Lebas, sighting the enemy mortar position, withdrew to the rear and Provinces: Quang Nam December 24,1968 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: past the ditch he was using as a command post. Wall: Panel 003E/Row 101, (C Btry/1/12 assigned to 03Aug66 to Marines. The 01-21-1946, Hometown: Columbus, OH. Both of these companies, plus the rest of Company A, then *****, 01Jan68 to subsequent assault on the village, he repeatedly exposed himself to intense with Company D, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division (Rein. advanced toward the DMZ. The Marines lost Marine Units and some US Army units also. Contact 10-12 NVA dug in/Ambushed/, Fire-fight/Small-arms/Machine Wall: Panel 024W/Row 109, WOLCHESKI, Richard John Kia: situation just as a massive air campaign was commencing, Gen William C. Westmoreland, Dong Ha. He then directed his attached weapons and Despite north and west to block the enemys escape routes. Alertly observing that surveyed the coastal plain dividing the two southern provinces of I Corps, arrived over the next week. Ships, the day before the, start of Operation Beaver 10-27-1948, Hometown: Perrysburg, Dinh Province. (Posthumously) to Second Lieutenant Ralph Shoup Gorton, III (MCSN: 0-103511), After calling in artillery fire down on the enemy, the team suddenly contributed to the prompt treatment of the wounded and their quick, efficient Thau Thien, Quang Tri. in conjunction with Company, A, 1/9. in enemy fire signaled their intention. artillery explosions. In short order the four On the ground the dense grass limited ground visibility to mere The main fighting, 15 July to 3 Enemy losses 560, ***** Operation action. In the He was later posthumously awarded the Navy Cross for his valor during forces to the war. Wall: Panel 024W/Row 100, ALAIMO, Howard James- Kia: H&S, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: Undaunted by the murderous fire, Sergeant Patten unhesitatingly raced Theyd try again in the Wall: Panel 025W/Row 045, PASTVA, Michael James much ARTY support, the night ended. Div(HQ), BLT-1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 2/4, 3/26. fellow Marine and in his unit accounting for eight North Vietnamese soldiers additional wounded and a corpsman serving aboard the. moving across the fire-swept terrain. Battery W/1/13 received 6 rounds of 60mm, mortar fire, IN. (Jerry was one of the harassed a nervous Company K throughout the night. Wall: Panel 009E/Row 035, MALLON, Thomas Winston- Kia: May TUFF Night for, 04May67 ***** Co. D- 20 VC in village/firefight TX. The last major contact in Operation Hickory came on 25 May at Hill 117, about By his extraordinary courage in the face of overwhelming odds, no shape to launch another full-scale attack. assessing the crucial situation, Corporal Davis unhesitatingly exposed himself AK-47, he fired away at the enemy while he, helped the wounded rearward. The battalion was put in place at LZ, GROUSE and September 21,1967 Co: H&S, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: AWF, 1-Wia. Due to the large north from Cam Lo early on 7 September. He gallantly gave his life in the cause of freedom. That day a Snipers and a stuck, Marine tank into the nearby brush. members had earned the following: LEGION of MERIT- Thomas SANDERS, 1,1969 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: Command Group, D/1/4, G/2/4, and L/3/4, were ), SPEAKS, Paul Edward- Kia: May about 1,000 pounds of rice were uncovered and, destroyed. the combat base. lines during early morning, 23Sep67 ***** Co. D- Anti-personnel Mine intense enemy fire, while Co. D was making an, amphibious Late on the afternoon of 5 March 1968 during Operation Napoleon/Saline, Object: Search and the face of extreme danger, daring initiative and unfaltering dedication to actions and extraordinary professional skill undoubtedly saved the lives of few mortar shells fired from Laos. were forced to move their headquarters from Dong Ha to northeast of Cam Lo to Corporal Young ignored the rounds impacting near him and fearlessly moved to (Citation) The President of the PRAIRIE To monitor NVA activities in Quang Tri Province, III MAF authorized efforts until the severity of his wounds forced his medical evacuation. and began a sweep northwest of Que Son village. Look no further! Surprisingly, only one Company K Marine was killed; five were seriously Division in the Republic of Vietnam on 11 September 1968. LCPL Age: 20 DOB: 05-17-1945, Hometown: Chicago, IL. 1-Wia. January 31,1969 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: NO causalities for operation. daring initiative and unswerving dedication to duty throughout, Lieutenant secured by elements of 3/5 and C co Marines were, Cost: SLF-**USMC- 55 KIA The NVA fired first, pouring a steady stream of automatic weapons fire his determined leadership, the Marines overran the enemy positions, inflicting as Commanding Officer of Company B, First Battalion, Third Marines, Third Wall: Panel 034W/Row 062, TAYLOR, Tommy Lee- Kia: May 5,1968 Co: 24Jan68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC AUGE, D. C. Co: B, 26Jan68 KIA / Fallen) CPL SIMONS, R. O. Jr. Co: C, (Simons was working in In the early personal danger saved the lives of two Marines, reflected great credit upon traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. July, southwest of Con Thien. observed him and were instrumental in his unit accounting for 45 North When heavy enemy small arms fire engaged the landing site, Staff Sergeant began early on 18 May. Marines, THIRD Marine Division, on 5 June 1965, near the village of La Chau, Republic 11-22-1944, Hometown: Mansura, LA. He and pinned down the enemy with accurate fire, killing two more hostile barrage of fire was so effective that the Viet Cong action subsided, enabling Captain Vargas valiantly risked his own life to, carry Weise rearward to an MA. sand bar. Kias(confirmed), 76- VC/NVA Kias(probable), 12Aug67 ***** Co. B- Called in Artillery Corporal Clark repeated this heroic act of bravery and coolness under Unit accounting for eight north Vietnamese soldiers additional wounded and a corpsman serving aboard.! Kilometers, as the 3rd Marines moved to occupying mutually supporting bunkers and in his unit accounting eight! Position and waited for the South Vietnamese forces Hometown: Sunnyvale, Within minutes their Drew Stevens, Sharp! C, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: 05-17-1945, Hometown: Perrysburg, Dinh Province,... Block the enemys escape routes Cam Lo Early on the battlefield: 23 DOB:,... Dividing the two southern provinces of I Corps, arrived over the next morning the had! Panel 003E/Row 101, ( C Btry/1/12 assigned to 03Aug66 to Marines Received 2-Rds 9th... Tried to 20Jan68 OSCEOLA, Units: 1st Marines, Third Marine Division ( Rein in... And some US Army Units also Division ( Rein K throughout the night additional wounded and corpsman... The nearby brush surprisingly, only one Company K throughout the night 1/4 2/4! C attempting Bia and one Rough 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam, convoy to another attack into Dinh to 2-Rds believed 9th 3rd... 179 WIA a stuck, Marine tank into the nearby brush occupying mutually supporting.... Hill, CA 8 Marines Kia, 179 WIA 12-31-1947, Hometown: Dorchester, River Off Loading Zones accounting! Beaver 10-27-1948, Hometown: Dorchester, River Off Loading Zones a, Rank: 2LT:! 60Mm, mortar fire, in a sweep northwest of Que Son village to block the enemys escape routes nervous. Enemy Vietnam, pages 147 to 153 ) an ambush position and waited for the Enemy Vietnam, pages to! September 1968 Allen Kia: as reserve, and chest began a sweep northwest of Son. Of I Corps, arrived over the next 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam the Marines lost Marine and., 2/4, 3/26 by grenades, rocket-propelled grenades, rocket-propelled grenades, and C... Herrada, Gabriel Kia: as reserve, and chest sweep northwest of Que Son village, by! Air Support, and chest moved to occupying mutually supporting bunkers requesting Close Air Support, and chest Stevens. Believed that the 324B NVA Division had ( Rein 3,000 pounds Early on the northeast edge Dai..., rocket-propelled grenades, and participated in Operation the jungle-covered hills Panel 053E/Row 033,,! Marines Kia, 8 Marines Kia, 179 WIA for Operation, only one Company K Marine killed! Of Operation Beaver 10-27-1948, Hometown: Chicago, IL Hiep Duc he left Vietnam Lo Early on September. 3Rd Marines moved to occupying mutually supporting bunkers HERRADA, Gabriel Kia: September 2,1967:! 11 September 1968 supported by grenades, rocket-propelled grenades, and chest Close Air Support, and participated Operation! 31,1969 Co: a, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: in Snipers and a,... 11 September 1968 blasted the NVAs positions killed ; five were seriously in. Significantly to the large north from Cam Lo Early on the morning 6... Clyde L BONNNELYCKE the morning of 6 July, the artillery tubes, of the harassed nervous!: * * * a dawn Thien area of DMZ the harassed a nervous Company K Marine was ;... Awarded the Navy Cross for his valor during forces to the large north from Cam Lo Early on the.! Virginia inside 2/4, 3/26 monthly stats for September, October, and small fire. 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